Ready for Work
Knowing the kind of work you’d like to do, having the core competencies to work, and finding and getting to and from jobs are critical skills and abilities that enable good livelihoods and also contribute to our region’s productivity.
In addition to a Driver Licence, some core ‘work ready’ competencies make the transition to work much easier.
· Willingness to learn
· Communication
· Problem solving
· Thinking Skills
· Teamwork
· Resilience
· Self-management
Many schools and some training and workforce development organisations proactively foster these skills. See below for links to some of these work preparation services.
This well-researched, highly adaptable programme helps create work readiness through teaching the seven key competencies for work.
It can be a standalone programme woven into school and training curricula and can also be endorsed through volunteer and work placements where feedback on how the young person applies the seven competencies is received from supervisors. See more about the programme by clicking here, and this clip for more information.
The resources have been developed with and for those involved in workforce development, including e.g. teachers, youth workers, employers. Links to all resources are noted below.
EBoP Careers and Jobs on our Doorstep Poster (Sept 2018) Career and job opportunities on our doorstep poster
For Employers - Resources for Cadetships - Cadetship Guide
EBoP Rangatahi and Young People talk about their Jobs and Careers Career showcase - videos
Work, Skills and Education Infographs for Ōpōtiki, Kawerau and Whakatāne, 2018
Eastern Bay of Plenty Youth Survey Results Report 2021 FULL REPORT | SUMMARY REPORT
Youth Employment and Engagement Report Youth Employment and Engagement report 2021.pdf
In addition to government services, the Eastern Bay of Plenty has a comprehensive range of providers and programmes to assist people to find and prepare for work. Keep an eye out here for regularly updated information including fresh links and stories.
Also find information and support at Workforce Matters - Ōpōtiki District Council (odc.govt.nz); and Mayors Taskforce For Jobs | Kawerau District Council (kaweraudc.govt.nz)”
Find further links to key Eastern Bay of Plenty providers of education and training for our growing industries below:
Class 1 Driving Instruction is available to members of the public via these contacts. Some offer subsidised options.
Eastbay Reap - 07-308 4098 (Whakatāne), 07-315 5790 (Ōpōtiki)
Marylou's Driving School Whakatane - (07) 3088565 or 0272393098 (Eastbay wide)
Waka Rangatahi Driving Academy | Te Puna Ora o Mataatua P 0800 628 228 (Whakatāne)
A Class 1 Licence is also a pathway to endorsed licences vital for work in freight and logistics industries, where there’s a chronic shortage of appropriately qualified personnel in the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Toi EDA supports school-led initiatives in Ōpōtiki (Drive to Thrive) and Kawerau (Drive Tarawera), and has supported Ōpōtiki District Council’s initiative to establish and contract Eastbay REAP to deliver the Ōpōtiki Community Driver Mentor Programme which has helped over 200 young people achieve their Restricted or Full to date and have advocated for and supported training of more Eastern Bay of Plenty based Driving Instructors.
We’re members and supporters of the national Driving Change Network NZ.
Useful Resources:
Community Driver Mentoring Programme Guide https://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/community-driver-mentor-programme-guide/
The Case for Change – Driver Licencing Challenge – Auckland Co-Design Lab 2018 The case for change