Sustainable Economic Development
In 2018 Toi EDA was proud to work alongside iwi and local government on the ‘Eastern Bay of Plenty Development Project’.
The report that emerged from this kaupapa was approved by the Regional Growth Leadership Group, a committee chaired by the late Sir Michael Cullen and MP Kiritapu Allan which included iwi chairs, mayors and key applicants to the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF).
The report identifies key economic opportunities for the Eastern Bay of Plenty (as a region) and strongly affirms the case for investment by the PGF in our rohe. Focusing on our region’s competitive advantages, the report is a compelling narrative and acts as an invaluable support piece to our PGF applications.
Four immediate areas of focus for EBOP are identified in the report and they form the foundation for Toi EDA’s sector based approach. These core areas are: (i) Aquaculture, (ii) Horticulture, (iii) Marine and Tourism, (iv) Industrial Kawerau.