The Eastern Bay Workforce Development Project is a building block for inclusive growth in our region.
Toi EDA provides backbone support for workforce development in the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Our mission for this mahi is to grow the cross-sector workforce and increase jobs in the Eastern Bay of Plenty industries.
In 2014, the kiwifruit and aquaculture industries were identified as sectors for workforce focus. Industrial developments in Kawerau, as well as Whakatāne based, marine-centred tourism and hospitality have also since been given high priority. Besides the workforce needed to ensure productivity, we also support the development of strong workforce teams knowing the value they will bring to the expansion of infrastructure and associated service industries.
What we do – Our four areas of focus
Our “backbone” role sees us facilitating and supporting cross-sector, locally-led workforce advancement. By convening regional-level activity or creating efficiencies of scale we foster new opportunities. Examples include the industry sector clusters, the Eastern Bay of Plenty Workforce Action Network, and our active membership in the BOP Regional Skills Leadership Group. Our role includes compiling workforce focused information, and monitoring trends to help inform the Eastern Bay of Plenty effort.
LInk up
Recognising the Eastern Bay of Plenty persistently high rate of youth unemployment we established LinkUp to work alongside industry and education bodies to better connect rangatahi with education and the world of work. We support schools and training organisations and lead initiatives that introduce and connect young people to industries. Through this mahi we see rangatahi grow their competence and ready themselves for varied workplaces.