Kawerau Pūtauaki Industrial Development and Harbourside locations
With geothermal energy powering regions, heavy and light industry, the Eastern Bay of Plenty continues to attract companies that are looking to improve their environmental footprint and energy sources. Host to some of the country’s most advanced heavy industry engineering companies, the region is thriving with advanced fibre processing mills, dairy factories, alloy boat builders and high tech consumer goods all choosing to base operations here.
The $32.7M in investments made by the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) in the Kawerau District shows the level of commitment to grow and sustain our regional manufacturing footprint. The two main areas of development in Kawerau created by this investment were the Kawerau Pūtauaki Industrial Development (KPID) and the new off-road highway and Rail Hub complex.
The new KPID industrial subdivision is now open and already is home to Waiū Dairy. The site, located in close proximity to the Rail Hub, set to open in 2023, will take over 100,000 truck movements off the roads to the Ports of Tauranga and Auckland, and will allow for the containerisation of product to happen locally rather than at congested port locations.
KPID Link and Plan
In addition to the significant increase in geothermal resources and transport links in Kawerau, improved access to the ocean, high growth tourism and aquaculture sectors (via the two boat harbours in Ōpōtiki and Whakatāne), there is also a renewed focus on developing light to medium industrial lands in the region.
If you want to learn more about investing in the new development locations you are invited to get in touch with the Toi EDA team at info@toi-eda.co.nz
Some of New Zealand’s most advanced manufacturing companies can be found here in our region:
Sequal Lumber
Extreme Boats
Surtees Boats
NZ Autotraps
Waiū Dairy
HUTEC Engineering
Oji Fibre Solutions